/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*copyright by 动力无限 www.btoe.cn*/ /*邮箱 btoe@btoe.cn*/ /*合作电话 400-0599-360*/ /*版权所有违者必究*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ ! function (t, i) { function s(i, s, n, a) { var e, r = i.text().split(s), o = ""; r.length && (t(r).each(function (t, i) { e = "", " " === i && (e = " empty", i = " "), o += '' + i + "" + a }), i.empty().append(o)) } /*! * FitText.js 1.0 * * Copyright 2011, Dave Rupert http://daverupert.com * Released under the WTFPL license * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ * * Date: Thu May 05 14:23:00 2011 -0600 */ t.fn.fitText = function (i, s) { var n = { minFontSize: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxFontSize: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }; return this.each(function () { var a = t(this), e = i || 1; s && t.extend(n, s); var r = function () { a.css("font-size", Math.max(Math.min(a.width() / (10 * e), parseFloat(n.maxFontSize)), parseFloat(n.minFontSize))) }; r(), t(window).resize(r) }) }; var n = { init: function () { return this.each(function () { s(t(this), "", "char", "") }) }, words: function () { return this.each(function () { s(t(this), " ", "word", " ") }) }, lines: function () { return this.each(function () { var i = "eefec303079ad17405c889e092e105b0"; s(t(this).children("br").replaceWith(i).end(), i, "line", "") }) } }; t.fn.lettering = function (i) { return i && n[i] ? n[i].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)) : "letters" !== i && i ? (t.error("Method " + i + " does not exist on jQuery.lettering"), this) : n.init.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0)) }, t.Arctext = function (i, s) { this.$el = t(s), this._init(i) }, t.Arctext.defaults = { radius: 0, dir: 1, rotate: !0, fitText: !1 }, t.Arctext.prototype = { _init: function (i) { this.options = t.extend(!0, {}, t.Arctext.defaults, i), this._applyLettering(), this.$el.data("arctext", !0), this._calc(), this._rotateWord(), this._loadEvents() }, _applyLettering: function () { this.$el.lettering(), this.options.fitText && this.$el.fitText(), this.$letters = this.$el.find("span").css("display", "inline-block") }, _calc: function () { if (-1 === this.options.radius) return !1; this._calcBase(), this._calcLetters() }, _calcBase: function () { this.dtWord = 0; var i = this; this.$letters.each(function (s) { var n = t(this), a = n.outerWidth(!0); i.dtWord += a, n.data("center", i.dtWord - a / 2) }); var s = this.dtWord / 2; this.options.radius < s && (this.options.radius = s), this.dtArcBase = this.dtWord; var n = 2 * Math.asin(this.dtArcBase / (2 * this.options.radius)); this.dtArc = this.options.radius * n }, _calcLetters: function () { var i = this, s = 0; this.$letters.each(function (n) { var a = t(this), e = a.outerWidth(!0) / i.dtWord * i.dtArc / i.options.radius, r = i.options.radius * Math.cos(e / 2), o = Math.acos((i.dtWord / 2 - s) / i.options.radius) + e / 2, c = Math.cos(o) * r, h = Math.sin(o) * r, d = s + Math.abs(i.dtWord / 2 - c - s), u = 0 | d - a.data("center"), l = 0 | i.options.radius - h, f = i.options.rotate ? 0 | -Math.asin(c / i.options.radius) * (180 / Math.PI) : 0; s = 2 * d - s, a.data({ x: u, y: 1 === i.options.dir ? l : -l, a: 1 === i.options.dir ? f : -f }) }) }, _rotateWord: function (i) { if (!this.$el.data("arctext")) return !1; var s = this; this.$letters.each(function (n) { var a = t(this), e = -1 === s.options.radius ? "none" : "translateX(" + a.data("x") + "px) translateY(" + a.data("y") + "px) rotate(" + a.data("a") + "deg)", r = i ? "all " + (i.speed || 0) + "ms " + (i.easing || "linear") : "none"; a.css({ "-webkit-transition": r, "-moz-transition": r, "-o-transition": r, "-ms-transition": r, transition: r }).css({ "-webkit-transform": e, "-moz-transform": e, "-o-transform": e, "-ms-transform": e, transform: e }) }) }, _loadEvents: function () { if (this.options.fitText) { var i = this; t(window).on("resize.arctext", function () { i._calc(), i._rotateWord() }) } }, set: function (t) { if (!t.radius && !t.dir && "undefined" === t.rotate) return !1; this.options.radius = t.radius || this.options.radius, this.options.dir = t.dir || this.options.dir, t.rotate !== i && (this.options.rotate = t.rotate), this._calc(), this._rotateWord(t.animation) }, destroy: function () { this.options.radius = -1, this._rotateWord(), this.$letters.removeData("x y a center"), this.$el.removeData("arctext"), t(window).off(".arctext") } }; var a = function (t) { this.console && console.error(t) }; t.fn.arctext = function (i) { if ("string" == typeof i) { var s = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); this.each(function () { var n = t.data(this, "arctext"); n ? t.isFunction(n[i]) && "_" !== i.charAt(0) ? n[i].apply(n, s) : a("no such method '" + i + "' for arctext instance") : a("cannot call methods on arctext prior to initialization; " + "attempted to call method '" + i + "'") }) } else this.each(function () { t.data(this, "arctext") || t.data(this, "arctext", new t.Arctext(i, this)) }); return this } }(jQuery); jQuery(".productHot1ReasonBox").slide({ titCell: ".productHot1ReasonListHd ul li", mainCell: ".bd .swiper-wrapper", effect: "left", autoPlay: true, vis: 1, prevCell: ".productHot1ReasonListHdJtL", nextCell: ".productHot1ReasonListHdJtR", trigger: "click", interTime: "6000" }); jQuery(".productHot2chooseBox").slide({ titCell: ".productHot2chooseLBox ul li", mainCell: ".productHot2chooseBd", effect: "left", autoPlay: true, vis: 1, prevCell: ".productHot2chooseRJtL", nextCell: ".productHot2chooseRJtR", trigger: "click", interTime: "6000" }); jQuery(".productHot2CaseBox").slide({ titCell: ".productHot2CaseBoxHd ul li", mainCell: ".productHot2CaseBoxBd", effect: "left", autoPlay: true, vis: 1, prevCell: ".productHot2chooseRJtL", nextCell: ".productHot2chooseRJtR", // trigger:"click", interTime: "6000" }); 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